During this year's Sale-a-bration there are 2 extra special joining offers.

Want to see what the Craft and Carry Tote is like? Take a look at this video
Isn't it fab! I love mine, if you would like to see it, just contact me and I can tell you first hand what its like ))
Want to know what you could buy as your Starter kit?
Wow look at that lot!! how fab is that!! and you could get it all for £99!!! or if you want the tote as well £125!!!
Your Starter Kit is completely customisable, so if there is something else in either of the catalogues you want.... you can add it to your Starter Kit insead.
Don't forget once you have joined, you will receive 20% of your next orders and become a member of the Crafty Piglets team.
To see more details about joining, please click here
Thank you for visiting my blog today.
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